Fetching Little Ideas

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No sew pillow's for a big group

We have a Mops meeting coming up dealing with kids and sleep problems. Which is going to be a really awesome topic. Who doesn't want their kid to sleep better? I have it pretty easy is the sleep department but we have dealt with our share night terrors and monsters. Just f.y.i. homemade monster spray works wonders. And big flowers. Apparently monsters hate flowers. Ask Calamity she can tell you all about it.

A local sleep doctor is going to come and give a talk and answer questions regarding sleep. Cool huh? We have a serious medical connection in our group. The current and former MOps coordinators are nurses. Not to mention a few others. I feel so safe.

Anyway someone suggested that we make pillows as our craft. Sleep equals pillows, makes sense to me. I made a demo to use in our meeting and my 4 year old promptly swiped it and squirreled it away in her room. I consider that a successful craft. Anyway here is the info on putting together the supplies for 30 moms to make their own tied pillows.

11 1/2 yds fleece.
I chose a variety of patterns. So I purchaseds my fleece in 1 1/4 yard incriments. This cut down om my prep work quite a bit. Walmart had fleece on clearance for $4.44 a yard. Weird amount but oh well.
Good scissors.
I suggest having several people bring their best scissors. The more you have the quicker this project will go.
Batting and/or pillow forms
This is where it gets pricey. I found batting in the Christmas clearance section. It was labeled "buffalo Snow". I pray that no one really crams that on their Christmas tree. Shudder. Anyway about 6 bags of that stuff and a few pillow forms will suffice for us. If you can't find cheap batting try buying standard bed pillows. I have seen them for $3.00.

You will need to cut the fleece ahead of time. I cut mine into approxamately 20" squares. I took each 1 1/4 yard piece and folded it in half the long way. I cut that along the fold. I took the 2 resulting pieces and folded each one into thirds and cut along the folds . I ended up with 6 squares about 20" big. They don't have top be exact because the edges will get fringed.

I won't go into detail about how to actually cut and tie these things. There are some great tutes on the web already.

I will post some pictures after our meeting.

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